Study And Pass PTCB Exem Website

Project type:

Graphic Design


Tony Nguyen


2 Weeks


UI/UX, Frontend




May 31, 2023

About the Project

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi interdum sed mauris eu imperdiet. Donec congue orci nec mi luctus, ut faucibus mauris scelerisque. Donec orci lorem, volutpat a mauris nec, sodales imperdiet urna. Sed dictum enim libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ligula libero, pharetra non dolor et, tempor bibendum magna. Mauris a efficitur nisi.

“This Is One Amazing App!”

Praesent interdum lacus ac est viverra hendrerit. Aliquam dapibus, ante vitae mattis gravida, purus sapien interdum magna, convallis volutpat est turpis pulvinar dui. Aenean eu turpis est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer at lobortis metus. Proin molestie eget massa vel gravida. Suspendisse nec ante vel augue consectetur mollis.

Vestibulum et pharetra arcu. In porta lobortis turpis. Ut faucibus fermentum posuere. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris a metus sed est semper vestibulum. Mauris tortor sem, consectetur vehicula vulputate id, suscipit vel leo.

Key Takeaways

A hybrid app that feels native

We focused on utilizing the best and newest technologies in ionic in order to develop an app that feels professional.

Built for the future

The application and backend portal system was developed in order to accommodate multiple courses at different price points.

A happy alternative to in-room learning

The app has seen an increasing number of users since it’s launch. Students are reviewing the app as an awesome alternative to the on-location

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